Camp Verde, Arizona

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Your Blessings Are Not Yours

God doesn’t bless you for YOU. He blesses you because He expects you to be a blessing to others. Do you really think Him becoming flesh to live and walk in poverty, giving freely to others, was NOT an example of what He expects of us? 
Yet when we get, we think WE earned. Sure, some give credit to God for the “blessing,” but really we think we “deserve” the blessings. We don’t. We don’t deserve ANYTHING. That is the point. We are saved as a gift, not a right. We should seek to always pay that blessing forward to show we believe, we know, and we desire to live Christlike since He did far more for us than we could ever repay. Stop worrying about “encouraging beggars” or thinking “they will just waste it on drugs or booze.” That is on them. Neither Christ nor His apostles ever concerned themselves with this. What you do speaks to YOUR relationship WITH Christ, period. 

You don’t deserve your money, your cars, your families, your wealth, anything…it is not yours. It is God’s, given to you to better someone else with. Too many forget the fineprint of scripture….