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Truth and Love Go Together

Truth and Love Go Together…

 “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.“ (1 John 3:18)

While traveling for the summer to visit family, my wife and I spent time in Illinois with her brother, his wife and kids. We were spending an evening around a firepit together grilling hotdogs, toasting marshmallows and catching up on each others’ lives. It was a wonderful time to connect and fellowship together.

We have all, in our lives, with or without family, endured hardships and dealt with trials, especially in raising children. Some of our discussions centered on these very hardships as we discussed past and current issues and brainstormed ways to deal with them, particularly in today’s ever-increasing moral poverty in society. It’s no secret that the devil doesn’t even try to hide anymore as he prowls around seeking to devour, especially, our children. And the rebellion and falling into sin we see in our kids earlier and earlier in age is one undeniable telltale sign.

As the evening pressed on and my eyes grew heavier I knew it was going to be time for me to turn in soon. But the pastor in me couldn’t resist an opportunity for some mutual edification and spiritual learning and growth. So I asked each person at the fire for one verse of scripture, one theological thought, or one phrase that had really hit home with them recently. Many awesome opportunities for discussion and growth were born as we explored the thoughts of each other. 

My sister-in-law then gave a phrase that really hit home and has stuck with me since! It is something that has become a catch phrase with her, my brother-in-law, my wife and I since the talk. She pointed out that in dealing with the hardships of family strife the words, “truth and love go together,” have really helped her and stuck with her. 

This is such a poweful statement in just five words. Truth and love go together. It not only sums up a model of good parenting but it summarizes the point, the very REASON, for sharing the gospel with others and confronting sin, even when they may be violently opposed to it! It summarizes God’s deslings with fallen, sinful man throughout the centuries.

Truth and love go together. Christ tells us this when He says in Revelation 3:19, “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline…” Proverbs gives the same statement of the LORD: “For the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.” (3:12)

God is our Heavenly Father and loved us so much that He corrects us to protect us. He does not allow us, who know Him and follow Christ, to live in ignorance of His saving grace when we turn away, He disciplines us and corrects us with TRUTH. And He uses PEOPLE to do this (each other). This is one of the reasons we are expected to gather in worship services rather than try to “do it on our own.” 

When we are disciplined we have two choices: correct our behavior and stay in grace, or rebel and go our own way, in danger of dying in our sins and ignorance. Parents, family members, your children and loved ones have this choice from God as well. He uses many methods to correct and convict: scripture, the Spirit, but one of the most powerful tools He uses is YOU. He commands that you never shy away from truth. Because if you love someone you offer them the truth that may save them from. You will offer them the truth that will keep them on His path.

This is ever so important in raising children today. The devil has so many outlets for steering our children away from God. Social media is perhaps the fastest growing one! Every evil concocted by the Lucifer and man is openly available there! For fear of turning children away from our houses, many with attempt compromise and cave to the child rather than hold to truth and discipline. Yet God told us centuries ago in the wisdom of Proverbs, “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him…” (22:15). Again in 13:24: “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” 

Discipline is truth on guidance. And truth and love go together! Christian: this is not just for children but for all whom we profess to love! Never compromise on God’s truth. You are not being judgmental. You are loving. We are not told by Christ not to judge, just not to judge in hypocrisy. Be the example to follow. Be the light to the world. Accept truth and correction when needed. And give it when needed as well. 

Truth and love go together.