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The Prince of the Power of the Air

The Prince of the Power of the Air

My wife and I were on the lake today with her brother and his family. As we glided along past other pleasure boaters and fishermen, I noticed something at once both humorous and disappointing. I saw what appeared to be three generations in a fishing boat: a grandfather, a father and a teenaged son. I was transported back in time to a time when fathers and grandfathers took their grandkids fishing. But upon closer inspection, I noted that only the men were fishing. The teenager was consumed with his cell phone. Taking your grandchild fishing has certainly changed!

We are dealing with an old enemy with a new weapon WE created for him: the internet. As image-bearers of our Creator, we are very adept at creating. But as fallen and corrupted beings, we corrupt very creatively! We created something we were in no way prepared for dealing with and we continue to do it! The internet has taken over. Now we are enhancing it with artificial intelligence and making it smarter. The devil is having a field day!

For all its potential for good and all its benefits, the internet has become a very subtle place of evil and danger for our society. It has polarized us beyond what was once believed possible. It provides access to things children should never be exposed to. It provides a platform for the most depraved to influence our youth. And it gives direct contact to our children by porn advocates and pedophiles. 

Should the internet be banned? I am not advocating for that and it would not be possible. But it should definitely be more regulated! More importantly, parents must stop blindly trusting their children with it! Not surprisingly, we find that the solution is grounded in solid Biblical truths. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Prov 22:6)” “He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly. (Prov 13:24)”  Failing to discipline is failing to love. Jesus Himself says He rebukes or chastises those whom He loves. Why? So that they do not wind up in torment!

I am not saying beat and abuse a child. I am saying that God knew the need for discipline in order to ensure a person knows the difference between good and evil and how to choose wisely. God, our loving Father in heaven, gives us discipline and guidance and we are to follow His example. Unfortunately, we see the devil waiting always in the bushes ready to pounce on us and, when he has an opportunity, he influences those most vulnerable, our kids. 

1 Peter 5:8 warns, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” He is called the Prince of the Power of the Air in Ephesians 2:2 because of his command of this world and the influence he has over it and us. And we can see that this includes the airwaves as well! We have created a platform that gives the devil free run and complete access to our most vulnerable. It is time for parents to take that control back.

What benefit is it to have free reign of smart phones for kids? Ability to contact them when needed? There are other options. Instant connection with friends? That isn’t always a good thing. Space can be beneficial. Access to information? Kids today have no idea how to really dig in and do lasting research and attention spans have literally shortened below that of sparrows. 

These benefits do not outweigh the detriment of constant plugged in access: shortened attention span. Cutoff from people right in front of them. Life in a virtual world prioritized over the real world. Lack of imagination in a real world leading to instant boredom and addiction to phones, internet and social media. Polarization. Instant access to porn and aberrant and immoral people and programs. Indoctrination by people parents are not even aware kids are talking to.

Parents, it is time to take your kids back from the enemy’s clutches. YOU decide how much access. YOU decide the limits and the line. Its time to draw some strong lines if we are to save our youth and our future. Get them off their phones and screens and back into family and nature. And while you are at it, set the example yourselves!