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Stepping Out in Faith

Phil 4:11-13 
“Not that I speak from need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with little, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” 

Paul speaks to the church at Philippi so eloquently with a heart that says what so many of us instinctively know (and love to post as memes on social media): it’s not about getting MORE to be happy, but being happy with what you HAVE. More specifically, we must be happy with what the LORD sees fit to grant us! 

We so often say to God, “if only I had [money, fame, stuff, etc] then I would [be happy, serve You better, be able to do Your work, etc].” This is quite backwards as God (and Jesus Himself) have tried to show us time and time again. 
We are to step out in FAITH. We must trust that our Creator has our best interests at heart and is truly working out all things to the good of those who love Him. The Israelites couldn’t cross the Jordan into the promised land until they first trusted to set foot in the deep water! Only when they showed that trust, did God dry it up for them to cross. We see the same thing in Exodus 14 when God asks Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to break camp!” They had nowhere to go yet they were to start toward the Red Sea anyway! 

The world does not see God, it sees US, His people, faithful and true to the LORD. Whatever your circumstances, God has already equipped you with what you need to do His work. Will you step out in faith and trust that He will provide? We know He did it for those wandering in the wilderness. We know He provides for the animals of the world. Why is it so hard, then, to trust that He will do it for US? 

Christ did not heal the old woman reaching for the hem of His garment, her FAITH DID. 
Be content with what you have, even as you try to grow it. Have the right motives and know how to live in plenty AND in lean. And in all circumstances, have FAITH in GOD ALMIGHTY!