Camp Verde, Arizona

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Road Trip- Day 2

We pulled into an RV park last night to settle in for the night. It was a great day of traveling, only tarnished by an annoying belt-whine from the engine. (This is made doubly annoying since I had thought I had fixed that with a new belt and two new pulleys, but evidently I did not gain a permanent fix for my labors!). 

Overnight temps dropped to well below freezing here in Liberal, Kansas, but we stayed plenty warm and snug overnight. Unfortunately a cough and chest congestion woke Tam early and we decided to get on the road at 6 am. All discomfort aside, spirits are high and we are anxious to get to Missouri today and be with family for the holidays.

We are afforded an awesome view of a Kansas sunrise this morning which, though not an Arizona sunrise, is still beautiful to behold. Watching the sky transition from night in the west to light in the east further illustrates how artful and skilled Almighty God is with a paintbrush! The thought for the morning:

Isaiah 45:18: 

For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the Lord, and there is no other…”

God does nothing by accident. He does nothing without purpose. He did not create the earth “in vain,” but with a purpose! He created ALL to His own glory, including us! All glory to God in the highest! Have a blessed day, everyone!