Camp Verde, Arizona

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Road Trip

So this morning we began our trip to Kansas City, MO from Camp Verde, AZ, on our way to see our family for Christmas. We started early, getting up at 5:30 am. 

As I was outside getting water pipes and pumps ready for us to be gone, I happened to look up at the morning sky to pray for our safe trip. It is especially important to pray for Tami! I won the lottery when I met her. For traveling medical reasons she has to do all of the driving and will be piloting our RV for two long days of traveling! 

Looking at the billions of stars in the moonless sky I am amazed. I recall David’s amazement in Psalm 8:

“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have set in place;

What is man that You think of him,”

The entire vastness of the UNIVERSE is created solely for His host (us) to glotify Him. It is difficult to comprehend! When I allow myself to get lost in the intricacies of just the visible universe, the true perspective of my little world is made abundantly clear: my hardships don’t matter! Glorifying our father in heaven is the only thing that matters! Christ Himself told us that!

I am anxious to be on our way and get back to family! We must enjoy the blessings God has seen fit to bestow upon is! This life is so, so short and we are nothing in comparison to God’s total creation!