Camp Verde, Arizona

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Healing Prayers

Your prayers helped me, people! “Come and See What I Have Done, says the LORD…” 

“Come and hear, all who fear God, And I will tell of what He has done for my soul. I cried to Him with my mouth, And He was exalted with my tongue. If I regard wickedness in my heart, The Lord will not hear; But God has heard; He has given attention to the sound of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer Nor His favor from me.” (Psalm 66:16-20) 

I was a bit nervous…ok truth be told I was somewhat afraid. I am accustomed to weird signs and symptoms in my health and have been since first passing out in my yard in 2016 with what would soon be known to be a cascade of random and seemingly unrelated symptoms. But this feeling was different: a feeling of impending doom with chestpain, severe dizziness and headache accompanied by an inability to form sentences and difficulty with coordination. 

With a continuous supplicatory prayer I went first to the fire station and then in an ambulance to the emergency room where I would spend the next 9 hours under a continuous battery of tests and treatments. 

As my treatments wore on my prayers turned from supplications to adorations and acknowledgment of what an awesome God we have! My mind turned readily to all of the miraculous things He has done in this world and I could hear His voice, as clearly as that of the doctors and nurses, beckoning me, “Come and see what I HAVE DONE.” Skimming my Bible I noted how He saved His people from the yoke and delivered them continuously out of the hands of their enemies. I witnessed how He has turned to the embittered, to the widow and the orphan. I can but acknowledge His evidence of love, mercy and grace for us through the sacrifice of His One and Only SON! 
I exalted Him in my prayers and witnessed Him turn my prayers and those of all of you, my friends and loved ones, into healing for my body, yes, but so much more! He turned those prayers into healing for my very soul! 

…”God has heard; He has given attention to the sound of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer Nor His favor from me.” 

It is with a renewed spirit that I wake to see another beautiful and God-created sunrise! Never underestimate the power of prayer, even when it does not get answered the way one hopes or expects, it gets answered the way God LOVES AND ADORES US!