Camp Verde, Arizona

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Hebrews 10:15-17: And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us; for after saying, “This is the covenant which I will make with them, After those days, declares the Lord: I will put My laws upon their hearts, And write them on their mind,” He then says, 
“And their sins and their lawless deeds I will no longer remember.” 

Christ Jesus’ redemptive work rendered useless and unnecessary the old sacrificial system. While He hung near lifeless on the cross, priests busily prepared animals for the coming sacrifices. 

Yet imagine the astonishment on their faces! Christ uttered His last Word: “Tetelestai!” It is finished or, more accurately, PAID IN FULL. At that moment the earth shook, rocks split apart, tombs were opened and dead saints were raised. But most significantly, the veil between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies was torn in two and, for the first time, God’s Holy Sanctuary, where the Mercy Seat sat, was accessible to everyone! 

Christ’s work tore the barrier between God and man. His redemptive sacrifice justified all who believe in Him and follow His commands. We are FORGIVEN! And as we can see in Hebrews 10, what He forgives, He forgets. 
We KNOW, as followers of Christ, that we are to forgive those who wrong us. But how often do we add qualifiers to this? “I will forgive but I won’t forget…” “God forgives but I don’t…””I will forgive but you will never have the chance to wrong me again…” NONE of this points to Christ! 

When asked how many times one should forgive his neighbor, Christ answered 70 X 7. Notwithstanding the fact that there is a 490 (70 X 7) year cycle of forgiveness of Israel by God, this speaks to Christ’s meaning when He said that we are to forgive EACH TIME a person asks. He does not qualify this. He does not stutter. He does not give us exceptions. We are to FORGIVE and, like God does for us, FORGET. 

If anyone out there has wronged me, I can assure you that I have forgiven you. What’s more, I can assure you that I am no longer holding that trespass against you or your “account.” I love you and I forgive you. And I willingly put myself at the same risk for you to do it again: I forgot the transgression. 

There are some who would now call me gullible…naive…a glutton for punishment. To them I would say that, truthfully, it makes me MEEK, and meek is strength under control. Christ was meek, so this makes me nothing more than an imitator of Christ. If you continue to wrong me, that speaks to YOUR character. But my continued forgiveness speaks to MINE. 

If I have wronged you, then I humbly ask your forgiveness. I repent and will do my level best not to do it again. 
Forgiveness is a divine trait we all have within us. But we must work to use it as it is no easy thing. Yet forgiving and forgetting is one of the most Christlike things we can ever do! “Be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” FORGIVE.