Camp Verde, Arizona

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Compassion is Love

While outside of a grocery store filling water bottles, a man was approached by a homeless woman. She clearly seemed timid and slightly embarrassed as she asked the man for two dollars to get something small for breakfast. She was in a light jacket and it was 30° outside. 

The man apologized and said he had no cash but that he would buy her breakfast for her with his card. Her eyes lit up and she was clearly appreciative and so they went to the grocery store. The man walked in but she would not go in. She remained outside as if embarrassed. 

As the man walked in he realized that there was an ATM and so he withdrew cash. He walked outside and handed the money to her. She looked at him curiously almost in disbelief and he said to her that he was able to do one better and for her to have a blessed day. 

She seemed very grateful as she thanked him repeatedly and told him to do the same. The man went to his vehicle and left without another thought. He did not congratulate himself, he did not feel that he had changed the world. He simply thanked God for the ability and the resources to be able to bless another person who was in need or want. 
   you, the reader, make think that this man is naïve. But I tell you that this man followed his heart and obeyed Christ as he is supposed to as a member of the kingdom. Christ did not qualify his commandment to give to those who ask. He did not say to give to those who seem worthy. He did not say to give to those who can prove that they truly were in need. He did not say to give to those who will not likely use the money in an unclean way. He simply said to give to those who ask. 

Why did this man do this? It has nothing to do with expectations of the first asked. It has everything to do with following the heart of God. Do not deny somebody in need or want. Or your father in heaven may deny you. It is not for you to decide the worthiness of the recipient or whether they will buy drugs or alcohol with it. Obviously if you can find this without a doubt then you know when or what not to give. However, when in doubt, give. We are here to care for others first and foremost! May God bless you and may you forward those blessings to others.