Camp Verde, Arizona

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Color Vision

1 Cor 13:12: For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I also have been fully known. 

Most of you who know me know that I am part color-blind. I am red-green deficient and the formal term after testing is “moderate to severe deutan.” I see less of the color spectrum and in a more “washed out” way that people with normal vision. This deficiency is actually very common, particularly in men, and we learn to compensate. 

A friend of mine has the same problem and his wife bought him a pair of special glasses that corrects for this issue. I had heard of these but never thought to try them. At my wife’s behest I tried his. The results left me speechless! I was not aware of so much color and beauty in the world. The varying levels of greens, blues and reds made my head spin and my eyes tear up a bit with emotion. “This is what you guys see all the time?” I asked. 

Now I sit on my front porch looking out over my tree-filled mountain views with a different mindset. I don’t intend to purchase any glasses, though it was amazing to experience even once! But just knowing that beauty is out there, more fully realizable and understandable, fills me with peace and joy. Sure, I lament a bit at my slightly washed out view, like a colored towel that has been bleached in the laundry too many times. But still, the knowledge of the breathtaking landscapes out there fills me with peace. For one day soon I will see more beauty than I can even now imagine! 

Paul must have felt this when writing about spiritual gifts to the church st Corinth. Many of us have spiritual gifts that we are expected to honor, hone and share. And our levels of knowledge and understanding varies. Yet in all cases, we ALL understand the ways of God only a little! We have a washed out view of His majesty and grace. One day soon, however, when face to face with our Lord, our understanding will be so much more, the beauty so much more breathtaking! 

Don’t lament what you don’t understand of God and His ways. Don’t be discouraged by hardships and troubles. Know that very soon you will no longer be looking at a dim reflection of heavenly things, but the true and wonderful awesomeness of our loving Creator!