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Are They Truly Saved..?

This will not be a popular post. It will not be liked by many. Many will be utterly convicted of it. I am sorry if that is you. But perhaps it will encourage you to sincerely evaluate your faith and the truth of scripture, and encourage greater scriptural knowledge in God’s Word and the Loving Commands of our Lord Jesus Christ!

She murdered one of the men who raped her. Immediately after pulling the trigger, she was filled with horror at what she had done and an overwhelming sense of regret, knowing she had taken the life of another person. She is a Christian woman. How can she justify what she has done? And yet a defiant part of her refuses to let go of her hate. She asks for forgiveness for the sin of murder, turns herself in and is imprisoned. Yet even in paying her debt to society and asking forgiveness from God, she holds onto hate. Bitter, intense hatred fills her heart for the man she killed and the other man who, though ultimately imprisoned for the crime, is still able to live his life. It is not fair that the man gets to live while her sense of safety and security in life is no more. He has taken everything from her. She tells herself that Jesus loves her, and that she can be whole again. She tells herself that she must forgive to be forgiven. Yet her hatred consumes her, and she refuses to make even a cursory attempt at letting it go! Even after years in prison, her hatred at the rapists, and her contempt for God allowing it to happen, seethes within her.  

Is she saved in this state? 

He has urges that he cannot come to grips with. He has always been attracted to the very young. Girls who have just passed puberty are so innocent and pure, their capacity for trust, love, and affection such a draw to him. He comforts himself that he is not one of those sicko’s who seeks boys or prepubescent children. Yet he knows that this attraction he feels is wrong and rooted in lust. He applauds himself with the knowledge that he will never act on his feelings. He is a Godly man. But the attraction is so great that he mollifies himself by watching videos of young girls in provocative dress and dance on social media. It is, after all, not illegal and the children clearly want to be watched and seen dancing suggestively in bikinis, skin-tight clothing, and miniskirts. He watches and allows his mind to wander, often lustfully. He cannot stop himself.  

Is he saved in this state? 

The young girl has loving parents. Her mom has been her best friend since birth! She still shares the bed with her parents sometimes, though she is 11 years old now. She wanted a smartphone to be like her friends and her mom got her the latest and best one so that they could do Tic-Tok dances together. It’s so fun! They scour the app looking for fun and even sexy dances to do together. Once a teacher told her how wrong it was for kids her age to dress the way they do and dancing and acting the way they do. She was dress coded at school for wearing a midriff shirt and short skirt, but her mom came in and raised “holy hell” with the school for it! Her mom always comes to her rescue. Her father, too, is a big supporter of her! 

Her latest post on Tic-Tok was with her and her mom in bikini’s while her dad danced between them, doing a provocative dance they had found on the internet. It got TONS of hits!!! She has become one of the most popular girls in school among her friends. The truth is, if she doesn’t dress and do these things, she won’t even be accepted, and boys won’t ever look at her. She never even leaves the bedroom without makeup and skimpy clothes on. It’s just the way the world is! Her parents understand. Her mom helps her to choose outfits and her dad compliments her on her body and the way she looks every day!  

Who is to blame here? Are her parents saved in this state? 

These are just three examples of how wokeness and the world have crept in and taken hold of people! Our Lord CLARIFIED the Ten Commandments and assured us that there were stumbling blocks out there that would keep even those who feel they believe and are saved from entering the Kingdom. Why? Because if one is truly saved, they will not excuse even themselves for actions contrary to God’s laws. A murderer can be forgiven for the crime. But Christ Himself warned us that hate is the same as murder. In holding onto unrepentant hatred, the woman in the first example is condemning herself. She is engaging in repeated murder. She MUST learn to forgive, not for the perpetrator, but for herself!  

The man who is attracted to young children considers himself a Godly man. He has never nor will he ever physically act on his desires and attractions, as he knows they are wrong. Yet is he honoring this promise to himself and to God? He is acting on them every day on social media when he gratifies his lusts with what he seeks to watch. He is acting in sexual immorality, (and if he is married, in adultery), and scripture tells us that those who are sexually immoral or adulterous (among others) will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He must TRULY repent, which means literally to turn away. Otherwise, he is lost. 

Finally, the loving family we read of in the third example is so typical of those in society today. Young girls are taught by social media, television, and the internet that they have no value or worth if they do not make themselves as attractive and sexually stimulating as possible. This sexualization of our youth is leading to markedly earlier sex hormone production and release in children, causing early menarche, early puberty, and early seeking of sexual activity and gratification.  

The terrible truth is that parents are not only allowing, but actively encouraging this behavior in their children. In so doing, they are making their children more attractive to predators, and so much more accessible! They are also teaching children to be promiscuous without even realizing it. Who is in danger of losing their eternity here in this scenario? Christ warns of those who put obstacles before His children. This girl’s parents are guilty of just this very act. They are, thus, in peril and don’t even realize it! The girl is safe until the age God determines she should know better and be held accountable. We don’t get to know what that is, but it is safe to say that, at this age, she is still safe. But her parents are potentially doomed!  

Alas, this information is difficult for people to digest. The world has turned even the elect (Christ warned it would) away from the hard truths of scripture. And this is why Heaven will be sparsely populated. Many will approach Him saying, “Lord, Lord” and will be rebuked by Him, having never known them, and they will be cast out. Will you allow this to happen to you? Will you allow this to happen to your loved ones without a fight? We have sunk to new lows in society. These examples are a modern depiction of the clarifications that Christ made to God’s expectations of us. Unfortunately, for many, it is simply easier to say, “I believe the Bible, but I don’t believe in a God this strict. “They contradict themselves as the Bible points to a God that is this strict, out of love for His children. Many will find it easier still, to simply discount Christianity altogether. They accuse the Bible of contradicting itself, when, in reality, it contradicts their own desires, and thus is discarded.  

Get to know Christ FULLY. It is NOT ENOUGH to simply say you believe in Him. If you did, you would do what He commands without question. He Himself wondered at those who called Him Lord, Lord, and yet did not do what He said. Be a true lover and follower of Christ. And help your loved ones to see that need as well! It is true love!