Camp Verde, Arizona

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Prince of Peace

We worship the Prince of Peace… 

Isaiah 9:6: “For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us. And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” 

But where is your peace, saint? Where is all the peace in the church? It is fragmented! If you don’t believe me, turn on the news in the church lobby (or anywhere) and watch the gloves come out! 

We are admonished by God Himself to honor and respect our leaders as He appointed them. Yes, He appointed Trump. Yes, He appointed Biden. He did NOT do this for US. He did it to serve His ultimate will. Remember, He has the big picture, not us. We may not like our leaders’ policies and decisions, but God has a purpose for everything. 
If you truly trust in God and Christ as many profess that they do, then you must make peace with the decisions God had made and weather whatever storms come from that. 

The infighting, divisiveness and bitterness are not His and therefore should not be yours either, as God’s image bearers! Take heart knowing you are just in this world, but not OF this world. What happens here cannot ultimately harm you. 

“Do not fear those who can kill the body, but fear Him who can kill the soul and body in hell.” We have NO ONE to fear. 
Take joy in your life wherever you can. Spread joy to others in this life wherever you can. When people see that you are ABOVE the anger, the bitternessc the lack of peace that is suffered by so many, you will become a beacon for Christ to others! 

Keep your PEACE…