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Lukewarm Faith

Lukewarm faith breaks God’s heart 

“Weird Al” Yankovic is one of the many musical parody geniuses I grew up listening to. While many of his songs are cheesy, there is no denying he is a witty and talented musical comedian. One of his more recent songs is called First World Problems. And while it is funny it points to a serious degradation in our society in general, and in the church more specifically. 

The song pokes fun at the “travesty” of inconveniences that people have to suffer in a first world country. It shows just how much we take advantage of the things that many people around the world only dream of having access to. People in Third World nations would look at something as simple as hot water and consider that a luxury. Yet we take it for granted and feel completely put out and slighted if we are inconvenienced by anything. How Jesus must roll His eyes! 

Sadly this is indicative of the mentality of many people within the body of Christ. So many people today take their salvation for granted. They treat it like it is a gift they are entitled to and yet do not really show appreciation for it. 

Christ warned of this type of mentality. Scripture does tell us that we are saved by faith but it likewise tells us that part of that faith means taking up our cross and walking behind Jesus. What does that mean? It means just what Jesus said in the great commission in Matthew 28: “teaching them to obey My Commandments.” 

Our faith is displayed through our actions. Actions do not save us, but actions are still required. Belief in Jesus is some thing that we share even with the devil. Yet he is not saved. What sets us apart? We must love, respect, honor, and follow in the footsteps of Christ. This means that we must follow His example and act accordingly. 

Unfortunately this is an inconvenient truth for many people and leads to lukewarm faith. Yet lukewarm faith will not save us either. Christ warns us in revelation 3:16, “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” I do not know about you but I do not want to be spewed out by Christ. That can only mean one thing. 

One of the favorite passages that Pastor is used for alter calls is from Revelation Christ says in this same chapter, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” Many people, clergy included, neglect to recognize the implication here. This is not an invitation as much as a scathing admonition of the church of today. This is a letter to the last church. And the implication is that He has actually been cast out of His own church and is knocking hoping that any one person will let Him in. 

Will you take up His mantle? Will you open the door and let Him in? Truly let Him in? It means being willing to lose loved ones in the process. It means being willing to suffer because the world does not love Jesus. Only the spirit can love Jesus and to have the spirit, to truly have the spirit, means that one will act as one who has the spirit. 

Folks I urge you to read for yourself. Despite what many of the “experts” and famous people may tell you, there is much more to it than just believing and being saved. You will find the truth written in black, white, and red in the Bible. It is there for all to see.