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Saving a Life With Words

Will you help if you know it could save someone’s life? 

Gut wrenching excerpt from “Why Revival Tarries” by Leonard Ravenhill: 

Charlie Peace was a criminal. Laws of God or man curbed him not. Finally the law caught up with him, and he was condemned to death. On the fatal morning in Armley Jail, Leeds, England, he was taken on the death-walk. Before him went the prison chaplain, routinely and sleepily reading some Bible verses. The criminal touched the preacher and asked what he was reading. “The Consolations of Religion,” was the replay. Charlie Peace was shocked at the way he professionally read about hell. Could a man be so unmoved under the very shadow of the scaffold as to lead a fellow-human there and yet, dry-eyed, read of a pit that has no bottom into which this fellow must fall? Could this preacher believe the words that there is an eternal fire that never consumes its victims, and yet slide over the phrase with a tremor? Is a man human at all who can say with no tears, “You will be eternally dying and yet never know the relief that death brings”? All this was too much for Charlie Peace. So he preached. Listen to his on-the-eve-of-hell sermon. 
“Sir” addressing the preacher, “if I believed what you and the church of God say that you believe, even if England were covered with broken glass from coast to coast, I would walk over it, if need be, on hands and knees and think it worth while living, just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that!” (Ravenhill, Leonard, Why Revival Tarries, Fires of Revival Publishers, Zachary, LA, 1973, p. 19) 

Is it possible that a man could be so cruel and so criminal to actually believe in hell and steadfastly refuse to warn fellow human beings? 

We would think nothing of jumping out at the scene of a wreck to save someone. Many of us would step in front of a bullet to save someone. Yet true ETERNAL salvation we say is up to the individual and not our problem. 

“It’s not my job preach…” “It’s not my job to evangelize…” It’s not my job…..” 
How many potentially saved people are lost due to the idea that “it’s not my job…” 

Christ did not stutter, He did not add qualifiers, and He did not make anything confusing about OUR JOB in the Body. We are to spread the Word to the world, a world that WILL HATE US because it first HATED HIM. 

Christian, is it any wonder why Jesus asked, “Why do you call Me Lord,Lord, And not do what I say?” If we are His, then we MUST obey Him and follow Him, even when it is uncomfortable. 

I recently made this effort on social media in order to offer help and support to people who had been burned by church before. The enemy was (and still is) working overtime against this effort and I was effectively skinned alive by critics and naysayers who attempted to turn the posts completely away from what they were: attempts to offer support to those in need of Christ. Do you know who backed me up when I was criticized and attacked: 3 people whom I did not even know, and my wife. Aside from my wife, 3 strangers had the courage to face the onslaught with me and help me to do Christ’s work, though I know that there were friends who saw these things take place or at least knew about them. 

Brothers and sisters, the world is getting uglier with each passing day as the god of this world, the prince of the power of the air, continues to infiltrate the hearts of even the very elect. Now is NOT the time to sit on the sidelines and let others do the work. Christ warned what was to come. Bear your armor and wield His sword: the Word of God. There are literally eternal souls that may be saved through your efforts. Are you as cruel as that prison priest or are you as loving as Christ?