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Said No Verse Ever: Live Your Truth

Said No Verse Ever…

Live your own truth…

Many memes and posts as well as well-meaning motivational speakers tout this non-biblical statement. And it is very often preached from pulpits across the country. On the surface it seems like a positive, motivating message to build people up. 

In truth, it is contrary to God’s expectations of us! Consider where we see people go with this statement: People who “live their own truth” tend to use the statement as a shield against any “imposed” morality or rules for living. The result? When God attempts to convict someone they are able and justified in ignoring God in favor of their own personal desire or belief system for living, be that in new aged thought, paganism, pro-choice and abortion, support of LGBTQ+, and the list goes on.

God is very clear in how He expects us to live. We are to live according to His inspired word and the commandments of Jesus Christ. We do not have the right to choose our truth. God has long ago given it to is! Do not live YOUR truth, saint. Live His!

One response to “Said No Verse Ever: Live Your Truth”

  1. You speak with such intelligence. I am so inspired since you stepped up to lead our little church. You are a very talented well spoken pastor and we have your six.